PRIMERS - CCI-157 SHOT SHELL( 672 ) - CCI-109 SHOT SHELL (173)
672 PRIMERS - NO # CCI 157 shot shell primers-6 full boxs, + 1 box of 72 - + 1 empty box
Old remington Size-
173 PRIMERS - NO # CCI 109 SHOTSHELL PRIMERS Replaced by CCI 209
White box, green "CCI" panels, end label reads "No. 157 Remington Size." Diameter is 0.229"
Inline - Black powder muzzle loaders..... if you shoot a muzzle loader that takes 209 primers,
they will also work with the 57's or 157's.
These are collector items. They fit the smaller primer hole that early Remington hulls had.
They may fall out of a standard 209 size primer hole.
They are the same as the *57 primers made by Remington and Alcan (and I believe Winchester)
If you have in-line muzzleloaders, they may be able to use them too-......
??? NOTE only on the in-lines- some that use a retention spring to hold it in such as those by Traditions and CVA-
I am in Calgary, being PRIMERS can not ship.... travel south almost to Nanton every couple days,
will meet around Calgary area,.... would consider trade for CCI Magnum / large / small Primers.