Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Guidelines for Posting in the Buy & Sell section

We strongly encourage including a price - We request that visitors post items individually with a price whenever possible.

Avoid Posting Duplicates - We request that users post their item on their local TownPost site and refrain from re-posting those ads under other towns. We have added a "bump ad" button at the bottom of each ad as an alternative to re-posting ads.

Follow Laws and Government Regulations- Users of this site agree to take responsibility for content they post, by using this site you agree to comply with Health Canada's Consumer Product Safety Guidelines and all other applicable Canadian laws and regulations. We do allow ads for firearms provided they are in compliance with the RCMP and Canadian Regulations on Selling, Giving or Trading Firearms. TownPost is not responsible for transactions resulting from the use of this site, but we will remove and ban any ads or users found violating any of these terms.

Business Ads Permitted - Businesses are welcome to post classified ads free of charge for new or used products, clearance items, and store fixtures. However, we also request that businesses use discretion and moderation. Posts that explicitly advertise another website, competing service, or we deem as a conflict of interest will be removed without notice. We reserve the right to filter, hide, or delete ads using our own editorial discretion. Ads posted advertising a services or business offers should be categorized under Business Ads / Services. If you are asking our visitors to go to another website, to a Facebook page, or the ad contains a link to external websites it must be a paid ad. Paid ads must also include descriptions, prices, and photos to avoid filtering in category pages.

MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) or Affiliate Ads - We do not allow any posts advertising products or services using multi-level marketing techniques, pyramid schemes, or affiliate programs. These posts will be rejected without notification and in some cases the user account will be removed.


TownPost reserves the right to block users or content that we feel does not serve the community in the way we intend. Likewise we request that all content adhere to the rules in this disclaimer which may change regularly. It is the responsible of the visitors and registered users of this site to check this disclaimer frequently for changes that they must adhere to and understand. Foul language, obscene content, non family friendly events or other posts will be removed and may result in a ban for the offending user's account if we feel it was malicious.

Editorial Rights & Ad Corrections

TownPost reserves the right to edit ads to correct spelling or other errors, though we try and limit the number of edits we make. We will also modify ads if the fields have been filled in incorrectly (for example descriptions in price fields), in some cases we will notify the user if the change is significant but not always. We reserve the right to delete any content that we perceive as a conflict of interest, works against our business interests, or conflicts with our convictions.


When posting content, you are granting TownPost a non-exclusive, continual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable right to exercise the copyright, publicity, and database rights to that content. (We use these rights to display the content publicly.)

Copyright material
TownPost does not permit copyright material such as images, text, or any other content covered under copyright law. Posting of such material will result in deletion of the offending material and potentially a ban to the violating user account. If you notice copyright material on this site please report it to us

TownPost and it's owners are not responsible for the content, names, comments, or personal information posted on this website. By using this site you are agreeing to make the information published available to the public for an indefinite amount of time. Be sure that all content published on this site adheres to Canadian law, and report any violations to this policy or to Canadian law to us so we can have the information removed immediately.


Our Commitment

The owners of TownPost are committed to providing our visitors with a website that respects their privacy. This page summarizes the privacy policy and practices on TownPost websites.

Links to Other Websites

This site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content and the privacy practices of other sites and encourage you to read the privacy policy of each site that you visit before proceeding further.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically

TownPost employs software programs to monitor network traffic and to identify unauthorized attempts to replace or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Our logged data provides us with information including logged in user behavior mainly what pages they browse. The software we use collects the IP address of our visitors which we often use to confirm the general location of the visitor (Often Provided publicly by the ISP) to moderate classified ads and identify scams or other abuse.

Logged information is not disclosed outside of TownPost personnel.

Cookies contain information about you and your preferences (e.g., a record of which pages within the site you visited) to help the site customize the view for you the next time you visit.

The software TownPost uses makes use of cookies to improve user experience by remembering the location you previously selected and potentially store other parameters that you the visitor selected.

Personal Information Collected Through This Website

We do not automatically gather personal information on visitors to this website. Users who register on our website will be required to enter a phone number and e-mail address. This information is automatically populated in your ads and would be visible to anyone on the internet so we advise users to exercise extreme caution when entering their personal information. Unregistered users posting ads will be required to enter a phone number (email optional), this information will be available publicly for other visitors to this website to view. This information may be picked up by search engines and displayed on websites and search indexes that we do not control. The purpose of allowing this information to be shared on TownPost is to build a level of trust and familiarity with other users of TownPost sites. TownPost will store this information permanently, but if an individual wishes to have their information removed they can contact us directly and we will remove it as soon as possible, but please note that this information could still be stored by search engines and internet archives which we have no control over. If you send us a message through the contact form we will store the contact information you provide in our contact database for future follow-up, this information is not disclosed except to authorized personnel who can assist you with support requests. TownPost accepts no responsibility for personal information posted or shared on this website. If you believe someone had published your information or if you inadvertently shared personal information on your posts that you would like removed please contact our support immediately to have the ad removed.


If you would like to contact us regarding our privacy statement, collection of data, or have any other questions feel free to send us an e-mail through our Contact Form or call us at the number provided on the contact form page.

Updated March 9, 2021 - Clarified personal information collected as it pertains to user-entered info by registering or posting ads.