Shared acommodation in conservative Christian home
Shared accomodation, you can enjoy livingroom, large spacious yard, etc... We share the laundry and kitchen. You have a decent space for your food in the cupboards, fridge, freezer, etc...
We are an acreage very conveniently located on Highway 597. Ten minutes east of Blackfalds, 2 minutes from the Joffre Nova Chemicals Plant and 5 minutes from the ME Global Prentiss plant.
We don't try to force our views on you and you can believe what you wish, but because it is our house there are a few rules for our house. No fornication, no pornography, no heavy drinking, we are definitely 420 unfriendly. No smoking cigarettes in our house, we had one try to blow it out the window and we could smell it everywhere and that one had to leave minus half the damage deposit.
Cleanliness is mandatory, especially in shared living spaces. It is a given you pick up after youself and clean your table, dishes and counters after eating.
We are highly tolerant of conservative Christians, ex-gays (yes change for the better is possible), PPC and CHP voters, the unvaccinated, and law abiding gun owners. Folks who like a clean, quiet place will be most happy here.
We will consider Mark Carney and Jagmeet Singh voters if they are truly in need of a place to stay, but they must demonstrate they can be tolerant of conservative Christians, and undergo a psychiatric evaluatuion to insure they will not be a danger to themselves or others while residing on our property. :)