Pyrenees Akbash puppies$150
223views1 month ago
Pyrenees Akbash puppies - 1 - 1737178992458_1000010228
Pyrenees Akbash puppies - 2 - 1737178992458_1000010231
Pyrenees Akbash puppies - 3 - 1737178992458_1000010230
Our beautiful Akbash/Pyrenees female had 10 puppies, 6 females and 4 males. They were born January 13 and will be ready to go March 10. They will be raised around goats, chickens, cats and kids. Their mother is a working LGD. We are asking $150 per puppy. Our female Pyrenees is also expecting any day now as well(both mishaps with the neighbors dog🤦). She is a gorgeous fluffy dog. She is the lead guard dog and not a single animal has been lost under her leadership. Coyotes and aerial predators don't come near. Both dogs do an amazing job protecting our farm. Both were bred to an Akbash male. Located near New Norway which is in Camrose county.