Weatherby s2 300 win leupold 3-9-40 $1000
555views1 year ago
Weatherby s2  300 win leupold 3-9-40  - 1 - 1019177-1710543273
Weatherby s2  300 win leupold 3-9-40  - 2 - 1019177-1710543273_0
Weatherby s2  300 win leupold 3-9-40  - 3 - 1019177-1710543273_1
New 300 win weatherby s2 sub moa with new leupold scope and rings n mounts only 12 rounds through gun is immaculate condition will ship on buyer dime et or cash no trade gun only 6 months old only been to range once
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Weatherby s2 300 win leupold 3-9-40 · Sporting Goods in Abbotsford · TownPost