Youth Bow Bear Cruizer Lite $550.00
655views1 year ago
Youth Bow Bear Cruizer Lite  - 1 - 913992-1687494437
2015 Bear Cruizer Lite that I have had since new. Speed is 290 fps Weight is 3.2 pounds. Let off is 70%. The draw weight is adjustable from 5-45 lbs. draw length is adjustable from 12”-27”. Axle to axle is 27.125”. It comes with 2 sets of additional cams. Constant draw cams & cams for draw length adjustment. It would include the bow, a 4 arrow quiver, 3 pin sight and a peep sight , whisker biscuit, Cobra Pro caliper Jr. release, a hard case that everything fits into and 14 arrows. 6 Beeman ICS Junior Hunters, 6 Gold Tip Hunter XT 500 spine and 2 Gold Tip Lightning arrows. I have the owner’s manual that explains how to make any adjustments you need to. I have looked after my bow and it is in new condition. You don’t need to buy anything else to shoot. I have shot my bow since I was 7 years old. This spring it was too small for me. I am 14 ½ years old and am 5’9”and 160 lbs now. The reason I am selling it all is because everything is too small for me now so I just bought a bigger used bow. I have looked up the prices for everything included and it costs $792.29 with tax new. I am selling everything for $550.00 or 30% less than new. I have added a picture of my bow for you and some links with prices. My mom and dad travel to Edmonton from time to time and could maybe arrange to meet there if not in Athabasca.