Sears/Craftsman Vintage Tool Chest, 1968-1975ish$450
96views7 months ago
Sears/Craftsman Vintage Tool Chest, 1968-1975ish - 1 - 1073470-1723572910
Sears/Craftsman Vintage Tool Chest, 1968-1975ish - 2 - 1073470-1723572910_0
Sears/Craftsman Vintage Tool Chest, 1968-1975ish - 3 - 1073470-1723572910_1
Sears/Craftsman Vintage Tool Chest, 1968-1975ish - 4 - 1073470-1723572910_2
Recently bought this but realizing I'm going to need something smaller/lighter for my Condo. This is a Sears Craftsman Heavy/Super Duty Chest & Cabinet combo on wheels. This came out somewhere between 1968 and 1975 and is extremely well made and heavy. It needs a bit of work as a few of the bottom drawers are bent in but still functional and the top chest lock can stick. The bottom chest has 12 drawers and the top has 9, with a top compartment that opens.
Phone: 7809001729
Town: Beaumont
Ad Id: 1073470
User: Guest User

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Sears/Craftsman Vintage Tool Chest, 1968-1975ish · Tools and Equipment in Beaumont · TownPost