Great Dane/pitbull/bull mastiffs$500
325views1 year ago
Great Dane/pitbull/bull mastiffs - 1 - 1015263-1709657921
Great Dane/pitbull/bull mastiffs - 2 - 1015263-1709657921_0
Great Dane/pitbull/bull mastiffs - 3 - 1015263-1709657921_1
Great Dane/pitbull/bull mastiffs - 4 - 1015263-1709657921_2
Great Dane/pitbull/bull mastiffs - 5 - 1015263-1709657921_3
2-10 month old males both white. 1 blue eyed 3 males 2 months old. 2 females 2 months old The smaller ones should be ready in a few weeks. But the 2 large white males are very protective of the household. Good temperament/good with kids. Large breed.
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Phone: 7805499092
Town: Bonnyville
Ad Id: 1015263
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