Handgun grips Assorted$123
1.2Kviews4 months ago
Handgun grips Assorted - 1 - 768935-1661062200_2
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Handgun grips Assorted - 15 - 768935-1672325554_0
Handgun grips Assorted - 16 - 768935-1680804129
Handgun grips Assorted - 17 - 768935-1680804129_0
Have grips for Ruger revolvers, Mark series 22, Detonics factory rosewood (New), Derringer (German I believe), Hogue mono grip for S&W I believe and N frame S&W. Also grips to fit CZ 75/85 pistols with shipping extra.RUGER WOOD GRIPS AND SELF FINISHING GRIP HAVE BEEN SOLD Colt 1911 have colt logo and wood.
Phone: 604-989-7110
Ad Id: 768935

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Member since Jul 2018


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Handgun grips Assorted · Sporting Goods in British Columbia · TownPost