girsan regard mc$1200
5.8Kviews3 months ago
girsan regard mc - 1 - 912780-1687202263
girsan regard mc - 2 - 912780-1687202263_0
girsan regard mc - 3 - 912780-1687202263_1
new unfired Girsan Regard 9mm [ beretta 92 clone] an excellently built pistol earthtone finish c/w 2 mags, loader, custom grtip panels ,triggerlock. laser bore sighter, hard case,targets. some other small items.thinning collection don't need to sell but, physically cant get to range prefer local sale but willing to ship. ken 825 760 4289 leave voice mail with reason for call or if local, some ammo MUST HAVE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE FROM RCMP TO PURCHASE