Remington 300 win mag $2600
1.1Kviews1 year ago
Remington 300 win mag  - 1 - 982433-1702498434
Remington 300 win mag  - 2 - 982433-1702498434_0
Remington 300 win mag  - 3 - 982433-1702498434_1
Remington 300 win mag  - 4 - 982433-1702498434_2
Less than 50 rounds through it. Macmillan stock, bottom metal and drop box mag, MDT. Rifle was bought new and dropped off to Alberta tactical to have action worked, trigger done, bedded, ceracoated. Shoots amazing! Have a 300 PRC so don’t use this one. Can include scope for package price of $3800 firm or sell rifle separately 2600.
Remington 300 win mag · Sporting Goods in Calgary · TownPost