Mid century Duncan Pfyffe Dining Set$900
23views2 months ago
Mid century Duncan Pfyffe Dining Set - 1 - 1737489630767_451152853_863933392424497_7516403182508643114_n
Mid century Duncan Pfyffe Dining Set - 2 - 1737489639043_451806691_1006840787316247_7333674678576227092_n
Mid century Duncan Pfyffe Dining Set - 3 - 1737489652074_451587890_758029076300895_7526636192815099062_n
Mid century Duncan Pfyffe Dining Set - 4 - 1737489668351_IMG_5145
Mid century Duncan Pfyffe Dining Set - 5 - 1737489685061_IMG_5141
Antique vintage dining room set, made by Hespeler Furniture in Hespeler Ontario, early 1950's. Duncan Phyffe style. Table has 6 chairs, but we have 3 leaves, so it can really expand. China cabinet is one whole piece with curved glass in the side panels. Buffet sideboard has 6 drawers and 2 cabinets. Really beautiful set in nice condition. We had the chairs recovered a few years ago in neutral cream. Fair price for what we are asking, this quality of furniture is truly no longer made. An heirloom set.
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Email: wiersma.dean@gmail.com
Phone: 403-852-5334
Town: Calgary
Ad Id: 1113275
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