Ruger 2 B 280 rem 22”$1300
208views9 months ago
Ruger 2 B 280 rem 22” - 1 - 1054743-1718904711
Ruger 2 B 280 rem 22” - 2 - 1054743-1718904711_0
Ruger 2 B 280 rem 22” - 3 - 1054743-1718904711_1
Ruger 2 B 280 rem 22” - 4 - 1054743-1718904711_2
Pretty much mint 1B .280 Rem. I bought it for the scope so scope not for sale rings are with rifle. It has been fired but not much.
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Ruger 2 B 280 rem 22” · Sporting Goods in Calgary · TownPost