Maple Kitchen Cabinets$700obo
274views1 year ago
Maple Kitchen Cabinets - 1 - 1006251-1708026483
Maple Kitchen Cabinets - 2 - 1006251-1708026483_0
Maple Kitchen Cabinets - 3 - 1006251-1708026483_1
Maple Kitchen Cabinets - 4 - 1006251-1708026483_2
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Maple Kitchen Cabinets - 6 - 1006251-1708026483_4
Maple Kitchen Cabinets - 7 - 1006251-1708026483_5
Maple Kitchen Cabinets - 8 - 1006251-1708026483_6
Maple Kitchen Cabinets - 9 - 1006251-1708026483_7
Maple Kitchen Cabinets for sale - uppers and lowers Uppers: 2- tower with glass fronts 47 5/8"L X 17 1/2"W light grey in color 1 - cabinet 36" W X 19" L black in color 5 - cabinet 23 1/8" W X 29 5/8" L black in color 1 - Microwave shelf 15 1/8" L X 31 5/8" W Lowers: 2 - with rolling drawers 27" W X 35 1/4" L light grey in color 2 - with front doors with rolling out drawers 21 5/8" W X 35 1/4 L light grey in color These maple cabinets are in good shape but the doors are not assembled and some of the hardware needs to be reapplied. This was to be a project but just do not have time! There are also extra pieces that will also be included trims etc. Selling as is $700 obo.
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Phone: 403-830-1758
Town: Carstairs
Ad Id: 1006251
User: Guest User

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