27” Husqvarna hydro -static snow blower$2000
13views1 month ago
27” Husqvarna hydro -static snow blower - 1 - 1739033082126_AC6BB517-5399-4124-A100-BFC7FEC31889
27” Husqvarna hydro -static snow blower - 2 - 1739033082129_8AEAC519-F042-4C14-BE40-CE90B118F183
27” Husqvarna hydro -static snow blower - 3 - 1739033082129_98877849-42F4-4E2B-B662-EA0F22792792
This machine is part of an estate. It has seen very little use and was cleaned and touched up with paint every spring. I have the same machine and they move an incredible amount of snow per minute!
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Email: jirvine1@telus.net
Phone: 250 219 4463
Ad Id: 1115468
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27” Husqvarna hydro -static snow blower · Yard and Garden in Dawson Creek · TownPost