Pure bred Rottweiller puppys$600
770views1 year ago
Pure bred Rottweiller puppys - 1 - 994288-1705337165
Pure bred Rottweiller puppys - 2 - 994288-1705337165_0
Pure bred Rottweiller puppys - 3 - 994288-1705337165_1
Pure bred Rottweiller puppys - 4 - 994288-1705337165_2
Pure bred Rottweiller puppys - 5 - 994288-1705337165_3
Adorable pure bred Rottweiller puppys for sale.4 females and 1 male.1st and 2nd vaccines done and dewormed.Born September 27th.Ready to go.Call or text 780-515-0390 for quick response
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Ad Id: 994288
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Pure bred Rottweiller puppys · Pets and Animals in Drayton Valley · TownPost