Huge Moving Sale! May 4th
295views•10 months ago
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 1 - 1036374-1714702875
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 2 - 1036374-1714702875_0
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 3 - 1036374-1714702875_1
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 4 - 1036374-1714702875_2
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 5 - 1036374-1714702875_3
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 6 - 1036374-1714702875_4
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 7 - 1036374-1714702875_5
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 8 - 1036374-1714702875_6
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 9 - 1036374-1714702875_7
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 10 - 1036374-1714702875_8
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 11 - 1036374-1714702875_9
Huge Moving Sale! May 4th - 12 - 1036374-1714702875_10
Lots of items for sale: equipment, furniture, toys, books, decor and more! Saturday, May 4th - 9:00am to 6:00pm Directions: Follow highway 22 out of town and turn right at the Whitby hall sign (Town ship road 502). Follow road 5 miles east and turn left on range road 65. Go 1/2 mile north and then turn right on road 502A and go 1 mile east. Garage sale is on the right hand side of road - 6401.
Phone: 780 542 0024
Ad Id: 1036374
User: Guest User

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Huge Moving Sale! May 4th · Household Items in Drayton Valley · TownPost