.277 Bullets and Magnum Primers
135views4 months ago
.277 Bullets and Magnum Primers  - 1 - 1103290-1731342735
.277 Bullets and Magnum Primers  - 2 - 1103290-1731342735_0
.277 Bullets and Magnum Primers  - 3 - 1103290-1731342735_1
.277 Bullets and Magnum Primers  - 4 - 1103290-1731342735_2
.277 Bullets and Magnum Primers  - 5 - 1103290-1731342735_3
I have the following bullets and primers: 2 boxes - .277 130gr TTSX (unopened) - $65 each 1box - .277 150gr Accumond LR (opened but unused) - $110 2 sleeves - Remington large rifle magnum primers - $15 each Shipping on buyer’s dime. Travel to Calgary regularly.
.277 Bullets and Magnum Primers · Sporting Goods in Drumheller · TownPost