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Star Trek: TOS novels for sale.$150.00
150views•4 weeks ago
Star Trek: TOS novels for sale, selling as lot for $150, cash preferred.
Hardcover with book jacket
1. Probe
1. Strangers From the Sky (fair)
2. Legacy
3. The Three Minute Universe
4. Sanctuary
5. The Final Reflection (fair)
6. Dreadnought (fair)
7. Double, Double
8. The Tears of the Singers
9. Memory Prime (fair)
10. The Lost Years
11. The Undiscovered Country
12. The Final Nexus
13. Enemy Unseen
14. Crisis on Centaurius (fair)
15. The Cry of the Onlies (fair)
16. The Voyage Home (Fair)
17. The Kobayashi Maru
18. The Romulan Way (fair)
19. The Pandora Principle
20. Black Fire (Poor)
21. Prime Directive
22. The Final Frontier
23. Home Is the Hunter
24. Ghost Walker
25. Invasion First Strike
26. Time for Yesterday
27. The Disinherited
28. Deep Domain (fair)
29. How Much For Just the Planet (fair)
30. Vulcan’s Glory
31. A Flag Full of Stars
32. Ice Trap
33. Renegade
34. Faces of Fire
35. The Rift
36. Rules of Engagement
37. Spock’s World
38. TimeTrap
39. Doctor’s Orders (fair)