Need to re-home my panda
257views7 months ago
Need to re-home my panda - 1 - 1067252-1722143366
Need to re-home my panda - 2 - 1067252-1722143366_0
Needing to regime my pure bred American bully. She’s almost 7years old she doesn’t not get along with other pets. She loves kids. Cats are not an option either unless you want a destroyed house. She loves walks and being able to run and hike the valleys, she’s very sweet and lovable she is trained she listens to a firm and confident person. She allergic to egg and chicken. Please inquire if you’re serious I’d like to be able to come and visit her if possible. I need to know she is going to a good home.
Phone: 8254010024
Town: Edmonton
Ad Id: 1067252

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