Purebread Pitty$0
197views9 months ago
Purebread Pitty - 1 - 1049937-1718044761
Purebread Pitty - 2 - 1049937-1718044761_0
Purebread Pitty - 3 - 1049937-1718044761_1
Purebread Pitty - 4 - 1049937-1718044761_2
Purebread Pitty - 5 - 1049937-1718044761_3
I don’t know if this is allowed or not but I’m in desperate need to find my poor girl a home. Preferably someone that can spend a lot of time with her as she’s just a big hippo that just wants love and snuggles. Preferably with no other dogs. She’s 5 and she has been my baby. I love her so much it’s been a really hard day. If you have any questions please reach out. I wont just let her give to the first person interested as I need to make sure it’s the right home For her, if anyone’s able to take her while I find her a forever home that would be great help too. Call or text @ 780-327-4003