300 Savage 99 with VORTEX 3X9 Scope.$1195
67views2 days ago
300 Savage 99 with VORTEX 3X9 Scope. - 1 - 1740359688928_IMG_2628
300 Savage 99 with VORTEX 3X9 Scope. - 2 - 1740359688932_IMG_2631
300 Savage 99 with VORTEX 3X9 Scope. - 3 - 1740359688932_IMG_2632
300 Savage 99 with VORTEX 3X9 Scope. - 4 - 1740359688932_IMG_2635
300 Savage 99 with VORTEX 3X9 Scope. I have used this gun to shoot Moose , Elk and Deer. I also have 8 full boxes ammo (never been fired) available if interested. I’m too old and won’t be hunting anymore. Asking $1,195 Gun is in excellent shape