HORNADY AP PRIMER POCKET SWAGE TOOL 223/556 + quick change bushings$150
176views11 months ago
HORNADY AP PRIMER POCKET SWAGE TOOL 223/556 + quick change bushings - 1 - 1020756-1710903622
HORNADY AP PRIMER POCKET SWAGE TOOL 223/556 + quick change bushings - 2 - 1020756-1710903622_0
HORNADY AP PRIMER POCKET SWAGE TOOL 223/556 + quick change bushings - 3 - 1020756-1710903622_1
Perfect condition. Excellent to swage 223 rem / 5.56 mil surplus brass with crimped primer pockers and keep your reloading costs down. Way faster than individual swage dies. The perfect accessory for you hornady auto press / hornady progressive press. The Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Primer Pocket Swage Tool quickly and cleanly removes crimps on cartridge case primer pockets. Designed to be used on the Lock-N-Load® AP press, the Lock-N-Load AP Primer Pocket Swage Tool comes with shell holder, feed, swage tool, and eject dies to make your job easier. Swage depth can be adjusted to accommodate various brands of cases. Swaging out the crimps instead of cutting them eliminates trimmings and mess. Retails new for $200+, plus tax . PLUS 3 LNL quick change bushings aswell that retails for $40. That's $270 with ON tax. Save here and get it for much less. Buyer pays for shipping. Eg die only https://x-reload.com/hornady-lock-n-load-ap-primer-pocket-swage-tool-223-556.html
Phone: 7807566754
Town: Edmonton
Ad Id: 1020756

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