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Remington Model 700, 7mm Mag.Trade
237views3 days ago
Remington Model 700, 7mm Mag. - 1 - 1742527629015_tempImageeDGevC
Remington Model 700, 7mm Mag. - 2 - 1742527700562_tempImagecyPNsW
Remington Model 700, 7mm Mag. - 3 - 1742527753793_tempImageZX7TcN
Remington Model 700, 7mm Mag. - 4 - 1742527802736_tempImagekKCYEP
Remington Model 700, 7mm Mag. - 5 - 1742527847800_tempImageMB5x3h
Remington Model 700, 7mm Mag. - 6 - 1742527891718_tempImageE2jWas
I would like to trade my Remington Model 700, 7 mm Mag. for a 30-30. It is in very good condition. There is a bushnell 4 power scope on it and is very accurate . There is one small rub mark on the blueing on the right side at the start of the barrel see picture. I would prefer to trade for a 30-30 Marlin, or a 30-30 winchester angle discharge. these are my first two choices. After these maybe a 30-30 Winchester lever action or another cal. with a lever action.
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Phone: 780 446-1457
Town: Edmonton
Ad Id: 1120331
User: Guest User

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