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Pet for rehoming$0
146views•6 months ago
Hi, we have an American Bully / Cane Corso unfixed 3 year old male we need to rehome .
The old owners moved into a non pet friendly home and we’ve taken him to try to re home him with very little time to be able to do so, since we also live in a non pet friendly home and currently have just been camping with him until we find him somewhere to go, but are running out of time since I have a baby that can come literally any day now and he would need to be permanently gone by then.
He has aggression problems, he does not like other dogs at all and will try to attack if off leash and sees another dog. Once he meets someone a few times and hangs around them a bit he is good with them, but random people he has never met there is a chance of aggression being shown toward them as well (if a stranger walks by too close to him or he senses danger around his owners ect). He would make a great guard dog but not a good family dog .
He also has some resource guarding issues with bones and toys (he is kennel trained and eats treats / keeps toys in his kennel but if they were out for some reason and someone grabbed on the would growl and be a bit agressive) .
The owners have never taken him to training so there’s a chance all of these behavioural issues can be resolved but we’re unsure . Once he knows you he is a good dog and loved pets and cuddles I think he just has never been socialized and has always been in a house so from the get go so he has these issues .
Like I said we are exhausting every avenue have reached out to any rescue we can think of (none will take him because of his aggression toward other dogs) and are trying our best to find him a home to go to but if we can’t soon we won’t have any choice but to euthanize him as pet shelters won’t take him because of his issues .