Wyatt/ 2 year old Male Purebred Border CollieFree
388views2 months ago
Wyatt/ 2 year old Male Purebred Border Collie - 1 - 1093095-1728769080
Wyatt/ 2 year old Male Purebred Border Collie - 2 - 1093095-1728769080_0
This is Wyatt. He is a 3 years old, male purebred border collie.Wyatt is an incredibly obedient and loyal pup. He is also a stud. Wyatt has had 4 litters of healthy beautifully marked puppies. Oldest litter is 1 and a half with zero health issues. He’s a ladies man through and through. Wyatt would definitely thrive in/ on a farm setting. However his highness Pareto sleep indoors a night. Wyatt is by far the best protector and loving pup I’ve ever seen. This is really difficult. Due to unforeseen health reasons we are by needing to find a good home for our pup. My husband was recently diagnosed with COPD. This is another hard one for our family. Wyatt is a well manned obedient loyal dog. House broken and listens to commands well. We are desperately needing a good family/home asap. Please please PLEASE contact me if you’re interested. We need a hand ✋
Phone: (587) 341 - 9860
Town: Edmonton
Ad Id: 1093095

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