Architectural Residential Work!!Call
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ARCHITECTURAL RESIDENTIAL WORK! Interest rates are down, "Now is the time!" If you require financial assistance, I have a contact at World Financial Group (WFG). I have an extensive background in Residential design and Project / Construction Management. I work on a flat fee basis agreed to by both sides. AutoCAD 2D format. Clear and concise working drawings. Please call to discuss your personal requirements for new or renovation projects for residential work, or, for Scope of Works as noted. Regards, Stan DYBKA, Leadership for Safety Excellence, Certificate #1130730 SD Project Solutions, 780 278 4810 Scope of Work: a) Quantity Takeoffs / Excel Spreadsheets b) Construction / Project Management QA QC c) Residential & Commercial Drawings d) New & Renovation Projects e) Consultant Coordination Reviews f) Tenant Improvement Layouts g) New & As Built Measure & Layout h) Scope of Work Preparation i) Development & Building Permit Assistance j) Building Code Review