Savage 110E .30-06 Bolt Action$450
305views3 months ago
Savage 110E .30-06 Bolt Action - 1 - 1733821890328_IMG_5157
Savage 110E .30-06 Bolt Action - 2 - 1733821890328_IMG_5155
Savage 110E .30-06 Bolt Action - 3 - 1733821890328_IMG_5158
Savage 110E .30-06 Bolt Action - 4 - 1733821890328_IMG_5169
Savage 110E .30-06 OBO Walnut Stock Unknown scope so probably a POS but idk. Couldn’t get it sighted. Could be me, could be scope, I hope you can figure it out. Selling because I bought a different rifle. Everything works as it should. 780-646-3262
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Savage 110E .30-06 Bolt Action · Sporting Goods in Edson · TownPost