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Assorted book sets$5
35views•1 month ago
Picture 1 - 2 vintage books. See pictures.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Published in 1983. $5 for the set.
Picture 2 - Louis Lamour books. $5 for the set.
Picture 3 - Beatrix Potter books. $5 for the set.
Picture 4 - Frozen books. $5 for the set.
Picture 5 - Guardians of Ga'houle books. $1 each.
Picture 6 - 3 kids books. $1 each.
Picture 7 - Set of 9 Beatrix Potter kids books. $5 for the set.
Picture 8 - Sponge Bob books. $1 each.
Located in Killam Alberta.