Hoyt VTM 34 compound bow$3000
228views6 months ago
Hoyt VTM 34 compound bow - 1 - 1087103-1727233151
Hoyt VTM 34 compound bow - 2 - 1087103-1727233151_0
Hoyt VTM 34 compound bow - 3 - 1087103-1727233151_1
2023 Hoyt VTM 34 Fast Eddie Spot Hogg XL sight Hoyt 2 piece carbon fibre quiver Hoyt carbon fibre go stix stand Hoyt sidebar mount for stabilizer Micro hex bee stinger stabilizers Raptor peep Braided wrist sling Hoyt drop away rest Comes with bow case Currently set at 60 pounds and 28” draw length Bow is brand new bought it summer of 2023 and took it target shooting probably two or three times don’t really have the time to give this bow the use is deserves due to newborn baby recently and bills could use the extra cash is the other only reason I am parting with it.
Phone: 587-723-5257
Ad Id: 1087103
User: Guest User
Hoyt VTM 34 compound bow · Sporting Goods in Fort McMurray · TownPost