(Price reduced)Full box of CIL 32 Remington 125.00 obo
171views3 days ago
(Price reduced)Full box of CIL 32 Remington  - 1 - 1733784979081_image
(Price reduced)Full box of CIL 32 Remington  - 2 - 1733784914926_image
(Price reduced)Full box of CIL 32 Remington  - 3 - 1733784931931_image
(Price reduced)Full box of CIL 32 Remington  - 4 - 1733784957561_image
(Price reduced)Full box of CIL 32 Remington  - 5 - 1733784969405_image
I have an antique box 32 Remington CIL ammunition for sale. The boxes is in mint condition and all rounds are original unfired soft points.