WTB- Old Paper Advertising, Hunting, Fishing MagazinesTBD
2.0Kviews•2 months ago
Not for sale.. I am Intrested in singles to a BOX! the older the better! magazines, fishing or hunting licenses etc. But I would Never and could Never be so Lucky as to find a Box or even 10 in one spot. I just like looking through them then I put them behind glass into picture frames and hang them up in my house. Just like I do with any older fishing tackle or hunting gear and odd ball items, Spears, Gaffs, Spear Guns, Mechanical Fish Spear or Grabbers, Baskets, Chains, Water Skiis, Life Jackets, I like it All..
I live 1hr NE of Edm but Will drive in to and can meet in North East Edm or South East Side of Edm, Sherwood Park,