Savage 3006/ Bushnell Trophy Scope $775
16views21 hours ago
Savage 3006/ Bushnell Trophy Scope  - 1 - 1742144165668_IMG_5163
Savage 3006/ Bushnell Trophy Scope  - 2 - 1742144165668_IMG_5164
Savage 3006/ Bushnell Trophy Scope  - 3 - 1742144165668_IMG_5165
Savage 3006/ Bushnell Trophy Scope  - 4 - 1742144165668_IMG_5166
Savage 3006/ Bushnell Trophy Scope  - 5 - 1742144165668_IMG_5167
Savage Axis in 3006 Nothing wrong with it, just don’t use it anymore, in really good shape. Comes with a 3-9x40 Bushnell Trophy XLT with bullet drop reticle. Only shot two boxes of shells out of it. Took to gunsmith for trigger work (lighter trigger spring and no creep). Can include some casings if you’re wanting to handload. Located in Grande Prairie, but will ship anywhere in Canada. Call or text Cole at 1-306-549-750three.