Fruit Fly Traps$7
1.1Kviews23 hours ago
Fruit Fly Traps - 1 - 779489-1663092553
Fruit Fly Traps - 2 - 779489-1663092553_0
Fruit Fly Traps - 3 - 779489-1663092553_1
Fruit Fly Traps The perfect trap for fruit flies and gnats. Simply place ripe fruit or cider vinegar inside the mason jar and screw on lid. Patented design features 5 entry holes which guide pests into the trap. Once inside, fruit flies cannot escape! Works for a little or a lot of fruit flies! Great for indoors, outdoors, kitchens, businesses, BBQs and Camping. Family-Safe! Dishwasher safe.
Phone: 587-726-9404
Ad Id: 779489

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Fruit Fly Traps · Household Items in Grande Prairie · TownPost