Custom built lefthanded 25’06 $3300
123views3 months ago
Custom built lefthanded 25’06  - 1 - 1095705-1729452483
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Custom built lefthanded 25’06  - 7 - 1095703-1729452027_5
Custom built lefthanded 25’06  - 8 - 1095703-1729452027_6
691 Sako action Lefthand , 24” barrel, warne custom rings 30 mm. Amazing woodworking on stock , in excellent condition and low round count . Custom made by Weber and Markin in Kelowna bc . Bushnell 6500 series scope 4-30 power, mildot reticle, 50 mm. Objective . Shots factory ammunition just under an inch at 100 yards.
Custom built lefthanded 25’06 · Sporting Goods in Kelowna · TownPost