Seamax 13.5' Inflatable BoatOpen to reasonable offers
201views10 months ago
Seamax 13.5' Inflatable Boat - 1 - 1039351-1715475249
Seamax 13.5' Inflatable Boat - 2 - 1039351-1715475249_0
Seamax 13.5' Inflatable Boat - 3 - 1039351-1715475249_1
very good condition, no leaks, aluminum floor. Open to reasonable offers. Does not include a motor. Located in La Crete, AB. 30 HP motor can be used with this boat.
Phone: 7809269241
Town: La Crête
Ad Id: 1039351
User: Guest User

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Seamax 13.5' Inflatable Boat · Sporting Goods in La Crête · TownPost