Calving Supplies$180
52views3 weeks ago
Calving Supplies - 1 - 1737916940747_1000001401
Calving Supplies - 2 - 1737916621784_9782277c-6396-4ccb-8a44-9dd5baec9235-1_all_1359
Calving Supplies - 3 - 1737916621784_9782277c-6396-4ccb-8a44-9dd5baec9235-1_all_2131
Calving Supplies - 4 - 1737916697574_1000001393
Calving Supplies - 5 - 1737916764808_1000001398
Calving Supplies - 6 - 1737916881722_1000001397
Calving Supplies - 7 - 1737917013733_9782277c-6396-4ccb-8a44-9dd5baec9235-1_all_3376
Calving Supplies - 8 - 1737917166390_9782277c-6396-4ccb-8a44-9dd5baec9235-1_all_905
Calving Season starting. Sold our cattle. Have essential calving supplies particularly for those calving outside in our often harsh weather. Numerous items included such as bottles, nipples, calf coats, hoods, tail bags. Ear taggers, weaning nose tags, castration equipment including elasticator, scalpel, testicle holder, USB chargeable hair blow dryer, bolus applicator, tubing equipment, weight tape for accurate dosing .... Keep calves from hypothermia and frozen ears and be prepared to supply colostrum to those not latching on and medicate as needed ...text or call for more info and to hear of more calving equipment that may be available.
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Location: Alberta
Ad Id: 1113822
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