Sig sauer sierra 3bdx scope and range finder$1300
198views5 months ago
Sig sauer sierra 3bdx scope and range finder - 1 - 1074869-1723936070
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Disguised within the form factor of a traditional riflescope lies the power of the SIG SAUER BDX Ballistic Data Xchange. The SIERRA3BDX riflescope provides the hunter an illuminated auto-holdover dot on targets when coupled with a BDX capable KILO rangefinder. Featuring exceptional SpectraCoat lenses, LevelPlex digital anti-cant, and KinETHIC kinetic energy transfer indicator, the SIERRA3BDX is incredibly simple to use. Range a target, put the holdover dot on target, pull the trigger, impact. SIG SAUER’s BDX, just CONNECT THE DOT
Phone: 17802783866
Ad Id: 1074869

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jon dunn

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Sig sauer sierra 3bdx scope and range finder · Sporting Goods in New Brunswick · TownPost