Condor Oval Stove$200
124views10 months ago
Condor Oval Stove - 1 - 1036931-1714869946
Condor Oval Stove - 2 - 1036931-1714869946_0
Condor Oval Stove - 3 - 1036931-1714869946_1
Condor Oval Stove - 4 - 1036931-1714869946_2
Older stove in working order. Warming oven, water cistern, banking oven, and all the tops. This is our old camp stove that we will be moving out of our camp on May long weekend. If you’re in the Bancroft area we can meet up when we take the stove out of camp. Otherwise you’ll have to meet us at our house where we will be storing it until sale. Txt me at 289-251-7354
Phone: 289-251-7354
Town: Ontario
Ad Id: 1036931
User: Guest User

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