Great Pyrenees looking for a loving homeFree
260views10 months ago
Great Pyrenees looking for a loving home - 1 - 1034841-1714324947
Great Pyrenees looking for a loving home - 2 - 1034841-1714324947_0
Great Pyrenees looking for a loving home - 3 - 1034841-1714324947_1
Great Pyrenees looking for a loving home - 4 - 1034841-1714324947_2
Great Pyrenees looking for a loving home - 5 - 1034841-1714324947_3
Looking to rehome our Great Pyrenees. We got her from the original owner last fall and thought she'd be a good fit with our family. Shes very sweet and gentle but has a fondness for chickens and turkeys and likes the taste of them. Good with all other animals and a great guardian dog. She never strays and stays very close to home-not the typical Pyrenees. Bit of a chunky monkey. Free to a good home.
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Ad Id: 1034841
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