Llewellin Setter puppies$2000
619views6 months ago
Llewellin Setter puppies - 1 - 1081711-1725815344
Llewellin Setter puppies - 2 - 1081711-1725815344_0
Llewellin Setter puppies - 3 - 1081711-1725815344_1
Llewellin Setter puppies - 4 - 1081711-1725815344_2
Llewellin Setter puppies - 5 - 1081711-1725815344
Llewellin Setter puppies - 6 - 1081711-1725815344_3
7 girls, 2 boys available; born Aug 18th & 19th. They will be ready for their forever home anytime after October 13th By far my favourite breed of hunting dog! Their calm demeanor makes them great house dogs and their affection toward children makes them great for families. If you’re looking for an upland hunting buddy who can flip the off-switch and cuddle in bed with the kids, then you might want to consider a Llewellin Setter.
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Phone: 3065303792
Town: Regina
Ad Id: 1081711
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