Mossberg 817 17 HMR Bolt Action 3 mags$450
4.4Kviews6 days ago
Mossberg 817 17 HMR  Bolt Action 3 mags - 1 - 796735-1665974982
Mossberg 817 17 HMR  Bolt Action 3 mags - 2 - 796735-1665974982_0
Mossberg 817 17 HMR Bolt Action; 3 mags 21" Barrel; Scope Mounts; S/N HJC3101xxx Good as new condition. No trades. CFP/RCMP courtesy of Bill C-71 will require any firearm to have a transfer registration number approved by the CFT to sell, give or transfer as of MAY 18, 2022. Seller needs the full name and PAL of the buyer with DOB and email as on file with the CFP. Seller then submits information on the RCMP CFP Individual Web Services which confirms the buyers PAL as valid or not with a Reference Number. Failure to do so is subject to Section 99 & 101 of the Criminal code. ANY ATTEMPT TO INQUIRE IF A PURCHASE CAN BE MADE WITHOUT A VALID AND CONFIRMED PAL WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC POLICE AND CFP CENTER REPORT. DON'T WASTE MY TIME WHICH MAY GET YOU TIME!
Phone: 8256096098
Town: Saskatoon
Ad Id: 796735

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Mossberg 817 17 HMR Bolt Action 3 mags · Sporting Goods in Saskatoon · TownPost