Ruger American Go wild camo$1300
256views5 months ago
Ruger American Go wild camo - 1 - 1091835-1728425020
Ruger American Go wild camo - 2 - 1091835-1728425020_0
Ruger American Go wild camo - 3 - 1091835-1728425020_1
Ruger American Go wild camo - 4 - 1091835-1728425020_2
Ruger American Go wild camo - 5 - 1091835-1728425020_3
Ruger American Go wild camo - 6 - 1091835-1728425020_4
Ruger American Go wild camo - 7 - 1091835-1728425020_5
Ruger American 6.5 PRC for sale.  Basically brand new,  just a box of ammo through it. Comes with Hawke 4-16 mounted on it, and box of Hornady ammo.
Ruger American Go wild camo · Sporting Goods in Saskatoon · TownPost