Golf Club Ironheads$5
100views10 months ago
Golf Club Ironheads - 1 - 1035220-1714416024
Golf Club Ironheads - 2 - 1035219-1714416022_0
Golf Club Ironheads - 3 - 1035219-1714416022_1
Golf Club Ironheads - 4 - 1035219-1714416022_2
Golf Club Ironheads - 5 - 1035219-1714416022_3
I just bought a golf bag at a garage sale and it came with 5 iron heads. A 56 degree, 60 degree, Pitching Wedge, 9 Iron, 8 Iron. I really don’t need these and know nothing about them except: They are brand new, the 56 & 60 are actually still wrapped in factory plastic. They seem very solid. Asking $5 per head or $20 for all 5 iron heads. Located in Spruce Grove.
Phone: 780 984 4628
Ad Id: 1035219

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