Yard cleanup--Trailer for rent (see description for details and pricing)$80
160views10 months ago
Yard cleanup--Trailer for rent (see description for details and pricing) - 1 - 1037459-1715009822
Trailer available for drop off and pickup. Spring/summer yard cleanup /maintenance St. Albert ONLY. We will drop off the trailer at your residence for you to load yard waste such as: - Branches - Diseased branches, elm wood and trees - Shrubs - Flowers - Grass clippings and leaves in lawn/leaf paper bags - Wood chips We will pickup the load and take it to the Compost Depot. Each load will cost $80.00 Any yard waste that does not fit into the trailer can be loaded into our pickup truck at the time of pickup for an additional $40.00
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Phone: 7809641532
Town: St. Albert
Ad Id: 1037459
User: Guest User

Transportation Options

  • Local Pickup
  • Can Deliver