Elcan Specter DR 1-4X$2500
345views11 months ago
Elcan Specter DR 1-4X - 1 - 1026118-1712162006
Elcan Specter DR 1-4X - 2 - 1026118-1712169308
Elcan Specter DR 1-4X - 3 - 1026118-1712169308_0
Elcan Specter DR 1-4X - 4 - 1026118-1712169308_1
Selling two Elcan Specters, both are in immaculate condition, 1-4x with 5.56 reticles. Both come with tenebraex scope covers and flashkills. 2500 OBO shipped. Not looking for trades at this time, would prefer cash and or precious metals.