160views4 months ago
CKC - 1 - 1097754-1731724158
CKC - 2 - 1097754-1731724158_0
( Reduced to find a home) CKC Registerd mini/ large/ Moyen miniature Poodles If you’re looking for healthy and clear of genetics . OFA, guaranteed & small available Cream males/ Black females available Juliet is 19.5” tall & 30 Lbs Westly is 14” tall and 12 Lbs Westly is a beautiful boy, completely clear of cddy, Ivdd, cdpa and other genetic issues. Juliet, all of the above and so much more. Both have exemplary temperaments and structure. Juliet comes from champion linage.They both have been cleared with hips, OFA or penhip. This pairing has produce oversize miniature/Moyen Puppies have had ENS as well, scent detection. These babies are held and weighed daily in my home. They are raised in my home and completely underfoot.They will leave crate trained , pee pad trained to a grate, socialized and loved. From my home to yours ,guaranteed. They will have their first set of vaccines, deworming and vet clearance plus a care package to take home. CKC Registered ❤️
Phone: 778-998-1967
Town: Vancouver
Ad Id: 1097754

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