Black German Shepherd Stud $750
125views8 months ago
Black German Shepherd Stud  - 1 - 1063342-1721054908
Black German Shepherd Stud  - 2 - 1063342-1721054908_0
Black German Shepherd Stud  - 3 - 1063342-1721054908_1
I will be offering stud services for my Black, straight back, German Shelherd Dog Koda! He is 10.5 months old and 100 pounds. His father was 120 pounds and his mother 80 pounds and comes from an impressive award winning lineage in Alberta and his father’s bloodline was in high demand for puppies from northern B.C. Koda will be getting neutered in September so this would be his last and only chance to produce a litter. He is a really impressive dog
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Phone: 250-896-9473
Town: Victoria
Ad Id: 1063342
User: Guest User

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