Located 25 mins east of Westlock.
Text Selina 780-267-0313 for inquiries.
Three beautiful pups left. They were born Sept 16th and are in sound health, very intelligent , adorably playful, well socialized and they love to cuddle.
Mom is a black Bichon Pomeranian (11 lbs)and Dad is a black with brown Shih Poo(8lbs).
They are now $350 due to their age. Their original adoption price was $750 . Then their adoption price goes down to $550 at three months then at four months $350. Their adoption price will stay at $350 now until they find their homes. Their adoption price is nonnegotiable.
Three photos of each puppy. More upon request.
1- All three Puppies new pic.
2-3-4 Male Black with white on muzzle. #4 new pic
5-6-7 Female Black with white #7 new pic.
8-9-10 Male Black# 10 new pic.
All puppies are fully weaned eating purina puppy chow and pedigree soft food.
They haven’t had their vaccinations or deworming done yet.