Refinished wood coffee table 2 end tables$300
229views1 year ago
Refinished wood coffee table 2 end tables - 1 - 975055-1700947218_1
Refinished wood coffee table 2 end tables - 2 - 975055-1700947218
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Refinished wood coffee table 2 end tables - 7 - 975055-1700947218_5
Refinished wood coffee table 2 end tables - 8 - 975055-1700947218_6
Sanded, primed, painted in a blend of greys details are metallic silver with black wax, multiple coats of polyurethane for durability glass tops have a few scratches Coffee table 16 in high 45 in long 30 in wide End tables 21 in high 23 in wide 27 In Long Located on bison rd couple of minutes outside of whitecourt
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Ad Id: 975055
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